As part of One World Week’s “Good Neighbours” theme, we explored how choosing Fairtrade products – in this instance gold – enables us to be good global neighbours. You can support marginalised gold miners to improve their livelihoods and communities by choosing and encouraging others to choose Fairtrade Gold.
The Discovery Centre agreed to host the Fairtrade Foundation’s photo exhibition:
2 – 30 October at the Gosport Discovery Centre
Discover Fairtrade Gold – Photography Exhibition
Gold is a symbol of love, power and wealth the world-over. But look behind the glitz and the reality is not so glamorous. Up to 16 million men, women and children are pushed into small-scale gold mining by poverty around the world. Confronted by numerous obstacles to getting a fair price for their gold, the miners, including women and children, lead dangerous and precarious lives.
These Fairtrade gold miners at Sotrami Mine in Peru take safety seriously.
This exhibition offered striking images, quotes and stories from gold mining communities in South America and East Africa.
It brought to life the challenges facing small-scale gold miners and the difference Fairtrade can make.
On Tuesday 24th October 2017 – 7.30 p.m.
GFA organised a OWW event at Gosport Discovery Centre:
Fairtrade GOLD – how to buy beautiful products without exploitation.
As part of One World Week’s ‘Good Neighbours’ Programme, GFA invited Alan Frampton, owner of CRED ( the Fairtrade gold jeweller in Chichester and London) to talk about his pioneering work with small-scale artisanal mining communities in Peru and Uganda. Their aim? A better life for the miners and Fairtrade accreditation for their gold.
- photo: Alan Frampton
Some of the world’s poorest people. including children, are forced to seek a living by mining for gold in hazardous and often illegal conditions, using technologies which endanger their health and poison the water supply.
If you don’t want your wedding ring or that precious gift to cost miners their health, and sometimes their lives, and put environments in danger, Fairtrade offers an alternative of hope and life.
Alan has worked with the communities involved and gave a vivid and most informative talk recounting his experiences though a vividly illustrated presentation. He emphasised the importance of Fairtrade, and particularly the Premium, which empowers miners to choose how they improve life in their communities.
We also offered Fairtrade fizz and light refreshments before the talk – all for £5 per head.
About 20 people attended and they were able to look at the exhibition too; they were very interested and asked lots of questions.
Christian Aid Quiz – 19th May, at Bridgemary Methodist Church
Quiz Aid -Winners certificate, 2017
The GFA Quiz team, calling themselves “Fair Enough”, retained GFA’s title in a very close contest, winning by only half a point! Congratulations to David, Mark, Norma, Sheila, Tessa and Tricia. ( the 2017 team included different personnel from our winning one last year!) You can see our record in this event here.
GFA contributed to the raffle two bags (Cop-op Fairtrade cotton bags) of Fairtrade products, which proved to be very popular prizes – indicating that Fairtrade products are sought after and valued.
South Downs Sustainability Fair – 8th May
GFA and Portsmouth Fairtrade Forum members had an information stall at the Sustainability Centre on behalf of Hampshire Fairtrade Network.
The display focused on how Fairtrade is helping producers adapt to the impacts of Climate Change, and the environmentally friendly production methods required for Fairtrade Certification. Free handouts of Liberation Nuts, and Traidcraft biscuits demonstrated the quality of Fairtrade products.
We also drew attention to Global Justice Now’s campaign for farmers in the Africa and elsewhere in to be able to grow organically and sustainably using their own seeds from year to year instead of being forced to buy from Multinational Companies.
Gosport Business Centre – 20th April.
The Basepoint Business Centre on Aerodrome Road hosted a Fairtrade Break event.
Samples of products to enjoy as a Fairtrade Break were displayed with opportunities to taste Fairtrade Quinola and Mango Fruit salad, Chocolate Bites -home-made from Fairtrade ingredients; FairBreak cookies, Liberation nuts, Fairtrade Palestinian dates and savoury snacks ( olive oil and Zataa herbs) and much more.
A display about the products featured and the producers involved remained in the Centre for 10 days.
Fairtrade Fortnight March 2017
“Take a Fairtrade Break”
at the Discovery Centre on 4 March
Nearly 1400 people came to the Discovery Centre on March 4th. Many of them joined us for a well deserved break and found out how to put FAIRTRADE into their break and so give all those hard working Fairtrade producers a break too.
There was plenty to do and taste for all the family:
- playing a game of Breaks and Ladders – no snakes but banana skins to slip up on instead!
- Quizzes and competitions;
- tasting Fairtrade quinoa and mango fruit salad, chocolate from the Co-op, Waitrose and Divine, dried fruits from Tropical Wholefoods and nuts from Liberation.
- There were also Fairtrade products to buy from the Traidcraft stall and the Help Palestine stall.
Many thanks, for the donation of Fairtrade products for prizes, to:
the Southern Co-operative,
the Coop,
GFA could not have put on this event without the help of:
the Discovery Centre staff
Loud and Proud
students from St Vincent College
The Bookworm Cafe served Fairtrade coffee throughout the Fortnight.
Fairtrade at the Council Offices Reception Area
A display of posters about how Fairtrade combats exploitation was mounted and the public was invited to play Breaks and Ladders on a giant games board on the table by the display. It was there for the duration of the Fortnight.
Fairtrade Assemblies and Breaks in schools
GFA made a short PowerPoint about breaks, showing how children of non-Fairtrade producers work long hours in dangerous conditions. In contrast, children of Fairtrade farmers are not allowed to undertake dangerous work or long hours that prevent them attending school and enjoying some leisure – they benefit, too, from the Fairtrade premium, which is spent by their community on such things as improving schools and equipment and better health provision.
This has been updated for use at any time – it is in two parts – take a look here:
Time for a Break – Part 1 (10 slides)
Time for a Break – Part 2 (13 slides)