You can find out what went on in 2021 here
GFA Steering Group and Planning meetings
Dates and business of upcoming meetings can be found: here
Campaign Catch-up
Hear more about Fairtrade Climate Justice campaigning
A recording is available of this event which took place on Tuesday 29 November 2022, about Fairtrade’s public action Climate Justice campaigning actions, and how to build a great relationship with your MP .
During this one-hour campaign catch-up, we were joined by co-chair of the Fairtrade All-Party Parliamentary Group, Holly Lynch MP, to get an MP’s perspective, as well as from campaigners from across the UK on some of the successful ways they have engaged their MP.

COP27 – 6–18 November
The verdict is unanimous: Earth’s climate is changing and the need for urgent, radical action is paramount. Unpredictable and violent weather patterns are ravaging cities, decimating crops, and shattering lives and livelihoods. And global supply chains are increasingly under threat. This year, our climate justice campaign is being led by Fairtrade Africa and Fairtrade International. You can join in by signing our:
Community Declaration of Solidarity

Extract from the declaration:
“Our community cares about action on climate change. But we don’t just care about climate change in our area.
Right now, across Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, communities who did the least to cause the climate crisis are living with the worst effects.
Droughts, food shortages and plant diseases are destroying crops. These are often the same communities unable to earn enough for a decent life due to unfair trade and extreme global inequality.
It’s time to end the centuries of exploitation that have caused this crisis. That’s why we choose Fairtrade and why we’re choosing to stand up for climate justice.
At COP26 last year, the UK government promised once again to fund the work these communities are doing to take on the climate crisis. But nearly one year on, we’re concerned that it’s taking far too long for these decade-old promises to be met, and that those communities will not have a say in how that money is spent.” MORE…
Sow Your Solidarity by demanding fair funding for communities living with the worst effects of the climate crisis. Please sign your Community Declaration to show local politicians there’s real grassroots support for global action on climate justice. You can sign the petition and read and download the Community Declaration in full – here

GFA worked with Gosport and Fareham Friends of the Earth to coordinate a display in the Discovery Centre. Any group doing anything to be green was invited to submit a poster for the display. 21 entries from a range of ‘groups’ included: businesses, charities, the Borough Council, libraries, schools, community groups, allotments, sports clubs, churches and Greening Groups.

The Mayor of Gosport opened the display on Friday 23 September.

A modified version of the display was at Bridgemary library from 3rd October to 9th November.

Volunteers from various environmental groups were present at stop off points. GFFOE hosted a picnic near their hedge planting site off Kings Road, where GFA helped provide refreshments – Fairtrade cake!
Great Big Litter Pick
GFA members participated in a litter pick along the old railway lines cycle and walking routes. We were joined by our MP, Dame Caroline Dinenage, and her husband.
GFA calls for Government Support for Loss and Damage Fund- 22 September
Our Fairtrade producer partners, who are struggling to combat the effects of climate change they did not cause, have called for financial support from rich country governments to help their countries address the impacts of climate change. You can add your voice to theirs and sign a petition here (organised by Global Justice Now ) to ask the Prime Minister to support this fund at the upcoming COP 27 in Egypt in November.
GFA participated in the Day of Action on Loss and Damage (22 September) organised by Global Justice Portsmouth. We gathered with representatives of other organisations from around South Hampshire on the steps of Portsmouth Guild Hall,

July 14th – 2022 – GFA visits the Mayor of Gosport
A delegation of GFA members with a representative of Gosport and Fareham Friends of the Earth visited the Mayor, Cllr Jamie Hutchinson, on 14th July. We talked about maintaining Gosport’s status as a Fairtrade Borough and what more the Council could do, particularly in relation to procurement issues – for example choosing suppliers of uniforms for Council staff that would use Fairtrade cotton.

We also discussed the Great Big Green Week in September and how local action to reduce carbon emissions helps everyone including Fairtrade producers. We discussed the need for a communications network of Gosport organisations, who were seeking to be green and our plans to draw attention to them with a display at the Discovery Centre . The Mayor agreed to open it.
The Christian Aid Quiz – (28 May 2022)

Bridgemary Methodist Church holds an annual Quiz in Christian Aid Week to raise funds for Christian Aid. Gosport Fairtrade Action regularly enters a team and contributes a prize of Fairtrade products for the raffle. Our teams have often enjoyed a high level of success. In 2022, the Quiz was held again for the first time since lockdown and our team, The Fair Traders, won again. Congratulations to: Tessa Bloodworth, Sheila Smith, Jane Staffieri, Tricia Stevenson and Mark Vernon.
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 21 February to 6 March 2022

In 2022 The Fairtrade Foundation ran its online Choose the World you Want Festival from 21 February to 6 March.
The 2021 festival saw campaigners, shoppers, students and businesses come together in a show of support for the farmers behind our food on the front line of the climate crisis. From online panels to bake-offs and coffee mornings over 100 events took place up and down the UK, explaining about the power of Fairtrade and what needs to happen next to ensure farmers and workers are put front and centre of conversations on how to tackle the climate crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us more than ever how interconnected we are globally. This interconnection is at the very heart of the Fairtrade message and is where your role begins. You are part of the Fairtrade movement, and you have the power to drive long-term change, not only with your shopping choices but with your support in spreading the message.
Since Fairtrade Fortnight 2021, we have seen the G7 and COP26 take place. Over 33,000 campaigners joined 1.8m Fairtrade farmers and workers in backing the Be Fair With Your Climate Promise challenge to world leaders at the UN COP26 summit. But frustration came as the wealthiest nations failed to recognise the urgent need to invest in farmer expertise by delaying their promised $100bn annual funding to the most climate vulnerable countries until 2023. That isn’t good enough.
In Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 we stressed farmers’ needs more firmly and clearly than ever to make sure politicians turn their promises into action at COP27 in Cairo next year. The failure to deliver enough progress at COP26 makes it even more important that governments get serious next year. We also need businesses to support Fairtrade more than ever. (More from the Fairtrade Foundation website here.)

How much do you really know about Chocolate?
Try the quiz here
Fairtrade Fortnight in Gosport : Events and Activities
GFA engaged in a variety of activities for Gosport – from a drop-in community coffee morning at Privett Park Cricket Club and providing materials for Schools and Churches, to displays and chats with supermarket shoppers about how they, by choosing Fairtrade, can support Fairtrade Producers tackling the climate crisis.
21 February – 4 March 2022 – FAIRTRADE AND CLIMATE CHANGE – an exhibition
– opened at 11.00 am on Monday 21 February by the Mayor and the Chair of the GBC Climate Board.

Photo – John Millard, GBC
If you would like to display this exhibition please contact us
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 – talking to shoppers about “How choosing Fairtrade can help tackle climate change”
Venue: Waitrose, Gosport (10 – 12.30) – this was a joint activity: GFA with GFFOE (Gosport and Fareham Friends Of the Earth)

Monday, February 28th 2022 – talking to shoppers about “How choosing Fairtrade can help tackle climate change”
Venue: Southern COOP, Palmyra Road, Elson (10 a.m. – 12 noon). – this was a joint activity: GFA with GFFOE (Gosport and Fareham Friends Of the Earth) (right)

(photo: Mark Smith))
Venue: Southern Coop, Lee on the Solent. ( 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.) – a joint activity: GFA with GFFOE (Gosport and Fareham Friends Of the Earth) (left)
Thursday, March 3rd 2022 – talking to shoppers about “How choosing Fairtrade can help tackle climate change”
Venue: Tesco, Alver Village Square (10 – 12.30). – this was a joint activity: GFA with GFFOE (Gosport and Fareham Friends Of the Earth)

Thursday, March 3rd. 2022, 19.00 – 20.30. SE Hants Area Zoom event: “Follow on to COP27– Towards Climate Justice”
Local Fairtrade groups explored how support for farmers on the frontline in the climate crisis can drive action for climate justice. Sarah Brazier, Campaign Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation, explained how rich countries had failed to help or deliver on their promises and the changes we would like to see in the lead up to COP27 in Egypt in the Autumn. In particular she emphasised the need to begin a dialogue with our MPs to press for details about how the support would be delivered to ensure that it reached those who need it.
Friday, March 4th, 2022, 10 – 12 noon, Climate Café. **
Drop in to enjoy Fairtrade products and activities. Join in the discussion about how you can help address the challenges of climate change by choosing Fairtrade.
Venue: Privett’s Pavilion, Privett Park, Privett Road, Gosport PO12 3EU
Hosted by: Gosport Borough Cricket Club, this was the first of a series of 10 Community Café events focussing on Food and Climate Change issues run by Incredible Edible Gosport and Love Outdoors CIC with the support of Abri.
In the 4th March session, Gosport Fairtrade Action provided a Fairtrade focus, with information (display, short videos and opportunities for discussion); Fairtrade coffee, tea and chocolate tastings, quizzes and games and, of course, Fairtrade refreshments. The Co-op provided a Hamper of Fairtrade goodies for a free raffle.
Friday, March 4th, 2022, 2.15 p.m., at Alverstoke Junior School.
Mark Smith, Chair of GFA, was one of three judges attending an assembly celebrating the pupils work on Fairtrade. He helped to present the certificates and prizes to the winning entries He said “ All of us judges really enjoyed being part of the celebration of the pupils’ work. There are some creative children there!“
Here are a few examples:

Alverstoke Junior is currently a “Fair Aware” School
Find more Fairtrade Fortnight events in SE Hampshire on the Campaign Exchange Website
If you’d like to join in with the planning, or have ideas you’d like us consider, please contact us – Dates of meetings will be published on the GFA Steering Group and Planning meetings page (here)
If your organisation would like help (people or material resources) to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, please contact us
The call from Fairtrade Farmers and Workers
Farmers and workers challenged leaders at COP26 to invest in the expertise of their communities, who see the realities of the climate crisis every day. They are demanding that the wealthiest countries start being honest about their own carbon footprints, and work together to create trade deals and laws that encourage investment in the sustainable solutions many Fairtrade farmers are already pioneering.
Fairtrade farmers and workers know that if we don’t speak out now, it will be too late. They sent a letter to World Leaders coming to the COP explaining their situation and asking for action ( see the letter here )
Please act now and join Fairtrade farmers’ call for a fair climate promise:
Please also ask our MP, Caroline Dinenage, to back the call. k
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us more than ever how interconnected we are globally. This interconnection is at the very heart of the Fairtrade message and is where our role begins. We are part of the Fairtrade movement and we have the power to drive long term change not only with our shopping choices but with our support in spreading the message.
The focus is on climate change and how Fairtrade producers with a living wage are able to adapt to climate change and care for their environment better with Fairtrade prices and the Fairtrade Premium. (see the Environment page on this website get more information about Fairtrade and the Environment from the Fairtrade Foundation website)
- Tell your friends and family and share these events and artworks with them.
- Use social media resources to spread the word online and add more voices to the fight. More online Fortnight resources are in the Fairtrade Foundation revamped Resources Library. Go to Resources Library
- Read stories and watch videos about farmers affected by climate change. here
In 2022, we’ll be encouraging and helping schools to teach and learn about the climate crisis and how it affects farmers in different parts of the world. During Fairtrade Fortnight, young people were able to explore how better incomes can help farmers to cope with these challenges. Farmers in the global south have contributed the least to the climate crisis but are already feeling the impacts the hardest.
‘Climate, Fairtrade and You’ Education Packs have been produced for teachers and educators to discuss how the climate crisis affects farmers and workers overseas. Through assemblies (designed with social distancing in mind!), lesson plans and activities, young people have the opportunity to discover how their choices can impact people around the world, but also the planet that we live on.
Visit the Fairtrade Schools site to download your Education Pack for Early Years, Primary schools or Secondary schools.
Resources for you
We invite Schools, Churches and Community Groups to organise Fairtrade events for which we can provide presentations on-line – and, in normal times, with live speakers, videos, displays and more.
See the range of resources on our RESOURCES Page here
Requests welcome any time
Do you have an event coming up in Gosport where you’d like a stall or display or a presentation about Fairtrade? If so please contact us in good time and we’ll do our best to help.
If you would like a speaker to give a talk about Fairtrade, or would like to talk to us about arranging an event, contact us to arrange a date.
Page updated on 07-04-2022