and earlier years :
2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009
in the Bridgemary and Elson Libraries during May.

Exhibition in Elson Library, 22 May – 4 June
Christian Aid Quiz – 11th May at Bridgemary Methodist Church
Our trusty team, though a different combination from last year, retained their title. It was good fun in a good cause and GFA contributed some Fairtrade chocolate to the raffle.
26th Feb to 11th March
Fairtrade Fortnight 2018 –
Fairtrade Fortnight is our annual chance to spread the word about Fairtrade and celebrate its success.
The theme for 2018 was Come On In.

In Gosport in 2018 we are:

We put on two exhibitions in the Discovery Centre (26 Feb. -11 March):
One looking at what GFA has done in Gosport in those 10 years (Community area – Ground Floor)

part of the exhibition in the DC in the Community Area on the ground floor
and a second, a poster exhibition: ‘Come on in and meet the farmers’ (on the the Mezzanine floor)

On 8 March (postponed from 2nd because of snow!)
Come on in to Fairtrade at the
Gosport Basepoint Business Centre.

Palestinian snack: bread dipped in Fairtrade Palestinian olive oil then dipped in Za’atar herbs.
The Centre hosted a coffee morning with Fairtrade coffee and tea, biscuits (including homemade) and snacks. Licensees dropped in for a taste and a chat, including three guys hoping for the Palestinian snack of bread, olive oil and Za’atar, which they remembered from last year – they weren’t disappointed!
There was plenty of information, about how Fairtrade improves lives, in posters and displays, which remained at the Centre for a week.
6 March – 5 -6.30 p.m. A reception to celebrate 10 years as a Fairtrade Borough

Photo credit: P. Bergin
was hosted by the Mayor in the Council Chamber. About 50 people attended, among them:Councillors, Aldermen and some former Mayors, Community Groups including businesses and schools we have worked with; the Gosport Globe correspondent came and an account was published in the Globe on March 10.
Guests enjoyed Fairtrade refreshments and looked at the displays, including a rolling PowerPoint about GFA’s first ten years on the big screen; then Gosport Fairtrade Action Co-ordinator first thanked all who had been involved in supporting Fairtrade Borough Status over the ten years, then talked about some of the current issues facing the development of Fairtrade. Finally, we celebrated with a glass of fizz and a slice of celebration cake.

Mayor and GFA members supporting Divine’s commitment to empower women. Photo: J. Staffieri

Loud and Proud(in blue) with Mayor and GFA. Photo: Loud and Proud
GFA is very grateful to the following : The Mayor for hosting ; her PAs’ office for making the arrangements in the Town Hall; members of GFA who baked homemade Fairtrade refreshments; Kathy Brickwood who made the Celebration Cake; the Southern Co-op for supplying the pink Fizz; Divine Chocolate for donating bars of its new “Empowering Women” hazelnut chocolate; Loud and Proud for decorating the doors into the Chamber, and helping out with whatever needed doing next ! From manning the front door to cutting the cake and washing up – they are heroes!
Calling all Cafes, restaurants, pubs, that serve Fairtrade Coffee.
Several cafes including the Bookworm cafe in the Discovery Centre used our attractive and informative “Table Talkers” – if you would like some for your tables – just contact us and we’ll deliver.
There were lots of special resources available for schools to use the last Fairtrade Fortnight in break time, assembly time and lesson time; from films and PowerPoints to lesson plans and educational games – to find out what it’s like to be a producer without and with Fairtrade. These are still relevant if you want to do something about Fairtrade in your school. Contact GFA for a short introductory PowerPoint presentation or go to the Fairtrade schools website here for more
GFA produced a PowerPoint presentation for schools which you can download and watch here (as a PDF) Fairtrade Fortnight 2018 PPT – schools Get ready to come on in- email version
Decorate a Door Competition

Overall winner – Congratulations 7G6
GFA organised a competition for schools in Gosport to decorate their classroom door in line with the Fortnight’s theme Come on in to Fairtrade. Schools were sent an introductory PowerPoint presentation* about opening a door on to the lives of farmers in some of the world’s poorest countries to see the difference Fairtrade can make. Outside the Fairtrade system, vulnerable workers are easily exploited and face dangerous working conditions.

Runner up – 7L12

Runner-up -7G5
There were nine entrants, all from Brune Park Community School.. The judges, from Gosport Fairtrade Action, (Chair, Mark Smith, and Co-ordinator, Sarah Hirom), commented on the imaginative designs of the winners and how the best ones combined excellent design with a clear message and information about the benefits of Fairtrade. All the entrants were congratulated for the effort put into researching the material and creating their designs.
On 29 March, Gosport Mayor, Cllr Linda Batty, presented the prizes and certificatesto the winning classes.
The Southern Cooperative provided hampers of Fairtrade goodies to be awarded to the winning classes to share and the overall winner also received a Fairtrade campaigning teddy bear!